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Bella - 1.5 years old, 8kg


This is Bella. She is a LOVE. She had never experienced love or care before we rescued her and her remaining three babies. Bella was abandoned after being a Brazil nut harvesters’ dog as a puppy. After she was abandoned, she only scavenged for food, for almost one year. Having never been fed before- and barely surviving on her own- she didn’t have enough to care for her 9 puppies. I had met Bella before, she escaped me every time I tried to capture her. Finally, when she had puppies, it was like she was asking for help.

At Hoja, Bella immediately made herself comfortable… by sleeping on our beds, out of reach from her voracious and sharp toothed shark-puppies. She traded off with us who feeds her babies, who have made the transition to dog food and are all thriving. She initially spent her time resting and cuddling (she loves her belly rubs!), but, as her pups have grown older and she is getting more acclimated and comfortable, she is spending a lot more time playing with her pups at Hoja, and out and about in jungle- sometimes followed by a learning pup or two. Aside from the hardiness that allowed scavenge and survive a year as a “street pup”, she is proving herself to be a strong, agile, and capable dog who loves hikes, and can also make her way onto the countertop to snack on some cat food if she gets hungry!

If you want a small/medium sized cuddle monster that will likely protect you against even the biggest of doggos, this is your girl.

She has all her vaccines but is not spayed.

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