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Luna (11 kg) & Supai (9 kg), 8 months old


These are Supai and Luna!! Supai is super small- around the same size as Bella- and Luna is medium-sized and might still be growing. They were abandoned in the local community here. We would see Supai curled up in the sand on the bank of the river, avoiding the children. When we approached, she would tuck tail and run. It took us forever to catch her and her sister, who was a bit calmer around humans.

Now, they are both happy, playful, and sociable pups, especially with other dogs. They were the most curious when we took in Ody and Bella’s puppies, adopting them as their younger siblings and learning to be gentler when playing with them compared to how they play with each other and with the older pups. Supai’s favorite game is to pick up a leaf and being chased by the dogs (and sometimes people too!).

With people, they have improved from their days in the local community but are still weary and skittish- it takes longer for them to warm up (maybe a full day when we have a new visitor or volunteer). But once they are comfortable with you, they have nothing but love and affection to give! Both are very enthusiastic in greeting us in the morning or when we return from a hike. At Hoja, they are both vigilant watch dogs protecting the ecolodge and are often among the first to bark when they hear something (although they quiet quickly when their name is shouted, especially Supai).

For their many similarities, they also have differing characteristics. Luna loves attention and belly rubs, but she is also comfortable with the other dogs and sometimes alone; Supai loves attention, belly rubs, and curling up on people’s laps pretty much all the time. Supai loves water and playing in the stream with people and other dogs, while Luna prefers to sit or play on the bank and hides when it’s bath time. And apart from the size difference, Luna can easily be distinguished by the white socks on her front paws.

We think Supai has a fear of abandonment due to her past, so it would be great to go to a home where she will be with the person/family for most of the time – even if she’s just sitting in the next room.

Both are fully vaccinated but are not yet spayed due to their age.

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