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Pishpi - Almost 2 years old, 22kg


This is Pishpi! He is our biggest boy at the site. He’s maybe 22 kilos. He’s a gorgeous dog with big floppy ears. He was abandoned in the local community by Brazil nut harvesters around the same time as Bella. We rescued Pishpi as a puppy about a year ago. He was doing ok as a “street pup” in the community until he was hit by a car, fracturing his front limb. At that point they still wanted him around, so we didn’t take him immediately. Unfortunately, he never received veterinary care for his leg, which healed, but not well. A part of his front leg will always look a little bigger than the other.

But it hasn’t stopped him!! Pishpi a strong, energetic, and loyal pup, worthy of the title of “man’s best friend”. He loves attention, going on hikes in the jungle, and bathing in the nearby streams, but he’s also a huge softy, flopping into his favorite chair as he returns or sitting at our feet eager for pets. That said, there’s no time he loves more than mealtime where his eyes light up, his smile widens, and stands and shuffles backwards on his hind legs as we bring him his- and only his- bowl of food. He is eager to play with people and can be fun to play with, but his play bite needs some work, so we haven’t yet encouraged him to play with people yet- he means well but doesn’t realize how big and powerful he is!

The loyal “right hand dog” of our staff, he is the leader of the dog pack who leads the charge into the jungle to protect us from loud noises. He will occasionally bark at dogs who play in his space and very rarely has gotten into altercations with other male dogs, but for the most part he is a gentle and playful pup, who has been very patient with the recent large infusion of puppies (and their chaos) at Hoja.

Pishpi is one that we’d love to find a home for more urgently, as he’s been in the jungle the longest – and it’s no place for dogs.

He’s neutered and has all of his vaccines.

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