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Stevie - 1.5 years old, 15kg

Stevie! He’s a bundle of fun. He only has three feet.

Stevie was rescued from the mining areas. He was extremely malnourished, having been abandoned in an old mine for months before he was picked up by a caring citizen and brought to the vet. His paw was had to be amputated – it had been eaten by maggots. His before and after is incredible.

We think getting a prosthetic sponsored will be no problem and is something we can follow up with, but Stevie doesn’t need all four of his legs to fully be the best dog. Nor does his missing foot prevent him from running around the house and jungle with the other dogs- in fact, he’s the most popular pup to play with! He is super silly and can sometimes be loud when he gets excited or wants to play, but it’s hard to get upset with him for being such a happy dog with those gorgeous hazel eyes and his big goofy grin.


He’s a gentle and playful sweetheart, with soft play bites (and dull teeth), a love for belly rubs and affection, hilarious eating positions, and the most enthusiastic tail wag you can imagine. I’m not sure why our volunteers named his Steve/Stevie, but there’s nothing that makes him happier than hearing his name!

Also neutered with all vaccines!

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